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Yumoto Kissho
4.5/541 avaliações
I decided to stay at Naruko Onsen to see the red leaves of Naruko Gorge. It was a accommodation that was satisfied with all the location, facilities, meals, staff response, etc. of the hotel. Naruko Gorge was also located in a place that was less than 10 minutes drive from the hotel and was able to go to see it before breakfast. The hotel was located in the highlands of the city and the room was able to see the city from the room. The meal was delicious at a private room type restaurant. Breakfast is a Viking form, but the place to eat was the same private room type as dinner, and I was able to eat comfortably without worrying about the surroundings. Usually, breakfast in the large hall is common in many hotels and inns, but this facility used a private room type dining room well and secured customer privacy in Viking food. In addition, the taste level of the Viking breakfast was high and the meal was enjoyed. The hot springs have an inner bath and an open-air bath, and there are four free rental baths that do not require reservations. I thought it was a happy facility for customers who wanted to secure family customers and privacy. It is a hotel that I want to stay again except for the autumn leaves.
Naruko Kanko Hotel
4.6/56 avaliações
Look for a dinner inn and come here. It is a cozy impression with many staff who feel very friendly or very friendly. The man who was in charge of check-in was very good and friendly. The whole hotel also has the effect of aging deterioration and sulfur, but the cleaning was neat. There are many devises for sleeping on the hot spring meal, and the welcome drink is a self-quality drink. The chocolate drink was especially good. The room feels quite large. The hot spring thought that the hot water was mock and the visibility was not good, but if you soak the window on your back, the whole bathroom was fantastic like a vast bath and an illusion. You can also get a ticket for waterfall hot water. The futon is air weave sleepy. Dinner was great. The morning Viking is a brand new venue and full of side dishes to divide. However, it was a little regrettable that the factory made as the recipe was delicious. Salad cherry blossom yogurt and coffee are delicious. I don't recommend it to anyone who cares about the problem, but I am very satisfied.
Hotel Furukawa Hills
3.6/519 avaliações
I had to ride 845 peach at Sendai Airport the next day, and I used this because the visitor in Sendai city was too high. It is 8 minutes walk from Jr Furukawa station, and the surrounding area is in the center of the city, and taverns, ramen shops, and convenience stores are open late at night, and there is no particular problem. In addition, the hotel breakfast buffet free service was from 630 in the morning, so I couldn't eat it, but the content seemed to be quite good.
Hotel Select Inn Furukawa
3.1/538 avaliações
The stay in general was suitable only some limitations for general rooms such share showers, toilets was confusing. But it is nearby Furukawa station
Naruko Fuga
3.9/513 avaliações
息子夫婦の結婚式の後で、私の退職記念と父の日を兼ねてお嫁さんが鳴子温泉風雅の 角部屋露天風呂付和洋ツイン・仙台牛鉄板焼きコース(667・767)を予約してくれました。 息子夫婦の招待だったので正確な料金は判りませんが、5人2部屋で18万円くらいだったようです。 お嫁さんが予約してくれる時に私の退職記念・父の日のお祝いに相応しい料理・部屋であることと、カミさんが足が悪いのでエレベーター完備であることを宿に直接確認して予約してくれた様です。 年配のお爺さんがモタモタ駐車場に案内している間、宿の者は誰も出迎えず、3階のフロントまで、カミさん含め自分たちでえっちらおっちら運んで(カートはありません。1階入り口横にラウンジありますが誰もいないのでスルー)フロント前で息子を待っておりましたが、フロント係が早くチェックインする様催促された! 駐車場に配車係置けばスムーズにチェックインできるのに、狭い駐車場にモタモタ誘導するからだろう!カミさんが杖を突いてフロントフロアに立った時のフロント係の一瞬の顔が非常に不愉快だった。 硫黄成分の浮遊で電気製品の故障が多いので室内電話は置いていないなどの説明は長々あったが、BSが見れない事とは違うでしょう?(BS契約していない)。 夕食時間を選んで下さい。でも19:30~しか空いていません。何を言いたい? 最上階7階から下りエレベーター故障中です(息子夫婦と6階・7階入替え) 部屋の露天風呂が熱くて入れない。お湯と水の蛇口説明なくて蛇口でやけどした。 破れたすだれがそのまま掛かっていて、もの悲しい感じ。お祝いなのに、、、 露天風呂のシャンプー・ボディソープが補充されていなくて、更衣室に予備なし。 内風呂には、シャンプー類のボトルすらない。 個人携帯で宿に電話しても誰も出ず、フロントに降りて行って出てきたおじさんにボディソープ切れている事を告げ代わりを頼んだが、事も無げに「清掃係が補充忘れたんですね」と言っていたが、トイレ・内風呂・露天風呂・脱衣場の薄汚れた感じ・ぬるぬる感から清掃しているか?甚だ疑問です。 和室の掛け軸もゆがんだままだったし、、、 驚いたのは、一番高い部屋のはずなのに3人目の和室の布団は自分で敷けと説明メモが部屋においてあった(これには驚いた。後で口コミ調べたら書いてあった) でも、2人でも3人でも、角部屋(667・767)一人料金は全く同一料金! ホームページに掲載しているカウンターでの鉄板焼きを期待したが、一番奥まった4人掛けテーブルに5人押し込まれて、遠く離れたカウンターの向こうに上がる炎を眺めていた。 時々、奥の調理場から料理長が出てきてフランベするのだけど何かのショー? 休日なのでメニューにあるカルパッチョの替りに「刺身」ですとだされたが、 4連休の3日目で何でメニューを書き換えない?なぜ刺身OKでカルパッチョ×? メニューにはありませんがと言ってズワイガニ足(1/4)だしてくれたけど、 7月24日に冷凍ズワイガニ? 黒い制服着たギャルソン兄さんに刺身の魚種聞いても、お米の産地聞いても何も知らない。そういえばフロントで、鳴いている鳥の名前を聞いても知らなかった。 鳴子風雅で一番高い料理コースまでコストダウン? 運営母体を追いかけてみたら、リログループ・ワールドリゾートオペレーション! 企業・団体の保養施設の運営受託と同じ考えで温泉旅館を運営受託?買収経営しているのか?と変に納得。 どっかの「観光科」を卒業したポッと出の兄さんに黒い制服着せて ギャルソンらしく見せて安く働かせているけど、行儀作法や知識など 温泉宿の仲居さんに必要な教育に時間とコストをかけていないから、何聞いても知らないことばかり。 大人の隠れ家って標ぼうしているから静かに手を挙げて呼んでも気が付かないのか 気が付かないふりしているのか?結局、大声で「スミマセン」と呼んで やっとテーブルに来てくれても「少しお待ちください」 いっそ経験豊富な居酒屋風掛け声だしてくれた方がグレードが判り易かった。 これでもかこれでもか?と責められる感じで食事が辛くなってきた。 じゃらんやゆこゆこの口コミをよく読むと滅茶苦茶辛口コメントがあるけど、 辛口コメントに書いてある事がほとんど当たっていた。残念! 低評価・最低評価の後の最高評価がバラバラ続いて辛口コメントが埋没している。 そういえばエレベーターに楽天トラベルに口コミ投稿呼びかけを貼りだしていた。 じゃらんとかいい評価ばかりで、予約してくれたお嫁さんが滅茶苦茶落ち込んで、可哀そうで見ていられなかった。 今度は、私が息子夫婦を横浜か箱根に連れ出そう(嫌味に取られないか心配だが) リログループの株は絶対に買わない様にしようと思うが、 こういった会社が儲かるんだろうね(買っといた方が良いかも?)
Naruko Hotel
4/57 avaliações
I headed there by rental car from Sendai Airport on March 25th. I arrived there in less than 2 hours using the expressway. A parking attendant was waiting in front of the entrance, so I dropped off my luggage and headed to the front desk. The front staff did a quick check-in. The room is a Japanese-Western style room on the 11th floor of Aobakan. The room faced east, and I could see the hot spring steam rising from the window, giving me a hot spring feeling. I immediately headed to try the famous Naruko hot spring. The public bath is located in Momijikan, and you need to walk about 60 meters along the connecting passage and change elevators. The large public baths for men and women were separated on the 1st and 2nd floors. The sulfur springs are my favorite and have an alkaline quality, so I was able to enjoy the real pleasure of Shifen Onsen. The food was served as a buffet and was very satisfying. We had Kaiseki at another venue called Juraku, and the portion was more than enough. The ankoro mochi, which is made in the live kitchen by the 90-year-old proprietress at breakfast, became my favorite so much that I ate it three days in a row. The second day was rainy, so we spent the day soaking in the hot springs. He brought me ``botamochi'' for a snack. I was impressed. The staff responded with a smile in all situations. It was a hotel where you could feel the spirit of hospitality everywhere. I can understand why there are many repeat customers. I have visited famous hot spring resorts all over the country, and Naruko Hotel ranks at the top in terms of overall strength.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Quais são os hotéis mais procurados com Breakfast em Osaki?

    Se você estiver viajando para Osaki a negócios ou turismo, Yumoto Kissho , Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Masuya e Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Kounkaku são hotéis preferenciais.

  • Qual é a tarifa média de hotéis com Breakfast em Osaki?

    Para hotéis com Breakfast em Osaki, o preço médio durante a semana é de R$ 1.163, e o preço médio nos fins de semana (sexta a sábado) é de R$ 1.309.

  • Quais hotéis com Breakfast em Osaki são recomendados para viajantes a negócios?

    Muitos hotéis com Breakfast em Osaki são adequados para viajantes a negócios Yumoto Kissho, Hotel Route-Inn Furukawa Ekimae e Naruko Kanko Hotel são hotéis preferenciais.

  • Que promoções estão disponíveis para hotéis com Breakfast em Osaki?

    O tem várias promoções e descontos para usuários durante todo o ano. Acesse a página de promoções para conferir quais promoções estão disponíveis no

Informações sobre viagens locais

Quantidade de hotéis33
Quantidade de avaliações291
Maior preçoR$ 8.177
Menor preçoR$ 155
Preço médio (dias úteis)R$ 1.163
Preço médio (fins de semana)R$ 1.309