22 de agosto de 2023
Nothing good to say about this motel. It started off by getting to our room and the AC had not been on, probably in quite awhile. In addition to being hotter in the room than outside, and it was at least 90 outside, the room had a very heavy musty, moldy odor to it. I went and spoke to the manager and he questioned if I turned the AC on correctly. There are only two knobs and no buttons, one controlled the fan speed and the other had the circular color stripe going from red to blue. He asked if I turned both knobs to the right, which I did, because 1, I could hear the fan change speeds and 2, I followed the direction towards the blue because that indicates cooling. I had given the AC a few minutes and it still had not started blowing cooler air, so that was why I went to see him. He came down and confirmed it wasn't cool in the room and took me to the room next door to show how he said he keeps the rooms all the time. It was indeed cool and did not smell so I asked to be moved, which he was fine with. However, he asked if we "touched anything" in the first room and my wife had used a hand towel to dry her hands. He picked that up and moved it to the second room "to save the maid from having to change it". More on the maid service later. So we get in the second room and we decide we'd like a drink and a snack so I go down to the convenience store 1/4 mile away. When I get back, my wife greets me with the remote for the TV and shows me a batter that had failed and was leaking causing corrosion on the contacts. I take the remote down to the office and he puts new batteries in it. Then he gives me instructions that I am going to have to reprogram the TV to be able to see any channels. Lo and behold he was correct, the remote turned the TV on but there were no channels. I went through the whole process of programming the cable TV channels and after awhile, we had channels. What we didn't have was any kind of an on screen guide to tell us what channels were where and what show was on or coming up. That meant we had to scroll through all the channels and try to find something interesting to watch. This was exasperated by the fact that if you hit a commercial, you had to wait for it/them to finish running to see what show was on. Once we finally found something to watch, we then realized the volume was not working. If we didn't talk or move around, we could hear the dialogue, but just barely. Later on the volume did start working, but that proved to be only temporary. I don't know how much of these complications had to do with this being a cheap TV but I suspect it contributed. The picture was not all that great either, reinforcing the suspicion that this was in fact a very cheap TV. This theme of going cheap on everything has now revealed itself as a pattern. First the hand towel, then the AC not working, then the problems with the TV and later, again the AC in the new room. I stated earlier that this is a motel. It is one floor and all of the room doo