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Talmud Hotel Kaohsiung LoveRiver
4.3/5155 avaliações
Love River
The hotel is spacious and breakfast is good. No swimming pool. There is a mall near hotel and can walk to that shopping mall in 8 minutes. The hotel provides public washing machine & drying machine. They also have a kid’s play area thought very small.
Kaohsiung International Plaza
4.5/567 avaliações
Kaohsiung Siaogang Airport
The location is good for late arrival or early flight in the next morning, though the options for breakfast are quite limited. The room is quite tidy, no stains or any smell. I arrived in midnight, there was a staff looking ready to pick me up. Though there was only one staff serving, my request were solved efficiently. Since I was staying for only a few hours, I got no time to test the facilities. Overall, it was a good experience.
Hilai Ez Stay
4.4/545 avaliações
Sanduo Shopping District/Wufu Shopping District
The self-service system is simple and convenient to handle reservations. The hotel allows people to stay at ease without worrying too much. The sound insulation needs to be improved, because guests in the corridor can hear conversations and movements, as well as slight conversations in the room.
Howard Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung
4.5/5639 avaliações
Kaohsiung Railway Station Area
The staff were very friendly and helpful. There was a problem with my room, and they upgraded me to a suite at no extra charge. The room service crew always greeted warmly when I encounter them in the hallways. The hotel is also situated in a central and accessible location in the city.
Han-Hsien International Hotel
4.4/5961 avaliações
Sanduo Shopping District/Wufu Shopping District
I enjoyed my stay tremendously and at awe of the level of service from all the staff of this hotel. From the bellhop to the concierge to the maid, everyone here is professional and courteous only the highest class hotels in the US can match. Here they are doing it without expectations of tips... I traveled solo and as a single guy and not expecting much. I am surprised at the service and comfort I got that are exceeding my expectations.
4.7/5108 avaliações
Kaohsiung Railway Station Area
高雄三大高CP值設計旅館中最出名的Joho,聽說這裡有很厲害的奶蓋茶,房間設計又有小金普頓的感覺,房價還相當可愛,我特地排了一天來住看看。 /Check-in/ 這裡辦理入住的時間是這幾天所有飯店裡最快速的,證件給出去後不到三十秒就把房卡拿給我了,顯然對於當天會到訪的旅客資料都胸有成竹,值得讚賞, /房型/ 整間飯店依照三種風格設計房型,由低至高樓層分別是福、祿、壽。 我特別為了台北金普頓感覺而來,因此選了高樓層的壽字房。(聽說低樓層的房間沒有景觀,在乎景觀的朋友請三思喔) 一進房間就感受到用心之處,雖然空間不算極大,但小餐桌、沙發都擺進去了,床周圍空曠好走動的空間;浴室放了浴缸、乾濕分離後,走道空間也很寬敞。 整個空間給人不緊湊、不易擦撞的安心感。 小餐桌上準備舊振南的金磚鳳梨酥,是很有誠意的迎賓禮。 備品也用很有設計感的袋子裝起來,可以感受到飯店內處處充滿用心。 床是軟硬適中的設定,電視打開會有顧客姓名,螢幕極大,在床上看的距離剛剛好,看起來很爽。 /餐食/ <酒廊午茶> 入住後,在酒廊的營業時間都可以持房卡進去吃小點心、喝奶蓋茶。這個空間寬敞明亮,可以把它當作自己的小客廳使用,畢竟在一樓大廳跟櫃台人員大眼瞪小眼也尷尬。 <酒廊Happy Hour> HH頗有誠意,雖然熟食的部分沒有喜達絲那麼豐富,而且美味度也較低(鹹酥雞都冷了),但這裡有酒就贏了(我是酒量不好的酒鬼)。 冰箱裡除了奶蓋茶之外,還提供了充滿儀式感的水果調飲。 大家只要把水果調飲倒入旁邊的白酒,瞬間升級成雞尾酒,愛怎麼喝就怎麼喝,而且還很好喝。 <早餐> 早餐堪稱單點式的王者,我真的很意外在這個價位的飯店,能吃到水準這麼高的半自助單點式早餐。 品項不多,但每款熱食都用很精緻的小鑄鐵鍋裝著,保溫效果好,餐點也非常美味。沙拉猶如頂級飯店一樣,都用玻璃罐裝好,只需要加入自己喜歡的沙拉醬就好了。 大家只需要把想吃的各類食物都取到桌上一字排開,彷彿在好餐廳用餐的氛圍立刻浮現。 等到我擺好所有想吃的食物後,單點的豬排已經端上桌,這份豬排的口感軟嫩彈牙絲毫不柴,比很多餐廳做得都好,讓人對這家飯店的超值感受達到巔峰。 推薦大家一定要加購這家飯店的早餐,真心不容錯過。 /飯店設施/ <健身房> 頂樓的健身房、觀景露台,一樣持房卡就可以使用,這邊又是另一個很適合當客廳的地方,不論是邊運動邊聊天,或者到露台看看下方高雄車站的人流車流,都讓人很舒暢。 健身房設備雖然不多,但也蠻有誠意,可以做很多基本運動了。 /心得/ 久聞Joho大名,親自到訪才知名不虛傳。這次入住時有個小插曲,我手受傷,但自己沒發現,早上睡醒時發現床上沾到血漬,趕緊打電話給櫃檯,請他們來鑑價清潔費。 沒想到櫃檯第一時間的回覆是:「請問您需要醫藥箱嗎? 您的安危比較重要,清潔床單的部分我們會處理,不用收費,請您不用擔心。」 飯店為顧客體驗著想的價值,一定內化到日常的教育訓練中,才能在這種緊急事故發生時,讓顧客的感受這麼窩心舒服。 真的很羨慕高雄人,不論是高中低價位,都有很多價格合理、人員服務用心的好飯店可以住。 高雄是一座長期被低估的旅遊城市,一方面是熱,另一方面是很多人還不知道高雄有什麼好玩的。 天氣逐漸轉涼後,很推薦大家到高雄走一走,特別是到鹽埕區散步,吃吃喝喝很爽。Joho雖然離鹽埕區有點小距離,不過這邊距離捷運站大約步行七、八分鐘,搭乘火車過去鼓山也很方便。下次到訪高雄,我會再次入住其他房型體驗看看。

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Quais são os hotéis mais procurados com Parking em Kaohsiung?

    Se você estiver viajando para Kaohsiung a negócios ou turismo, Royal Fine Hotel , Midtown Richardson-Kaohsiung Bo Ai e Hù House são hotéis preferenciais.

  • Qual é a tarifa média de hotéis com Parking em Kaohsiung?

    Para hotéis com Parking em Kaohsiung, o preço médio durante a semana é de R$ 627, e o preço médio nos fins de semana (sexta a sábado) é de R$ 800.

  • Quais hotéis com Parking em Kaohsiung são recomendados para viajantes com crianças?

    Hù House, Howard Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung e TAI Urban Resort são muito adequados para viagem em família. Desfrute de uma viagem com seus filhos e outros membros da família!

  • Quais hotéis com Parking em Kaohsiung são recomendados para viajantes a negócios?

    Muitos hotéis com Parking em Kaohsiung são adequados para viajantes a negócios SKYONE HOTEL, Kindness Hotel Zhong Shan Bade e City Suites Kaohsiung Pier2 são hotéis preferenciais.

  • Quais hotéis com Parking em Kaohsiung são hotéis de luxo?

    Muitos hotéis com Parking em Kaohsiung são hotéis de luxo. Howard Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung, TAI Urban Resort e Han-Hsien International Hotel são muito procurados.

  • Que promoções estão disponíveis para hotéis com Parking em Kaohsiung?

    O tem várias promoções e descontos para usuários durante todo o ano. Acesse a página de promoções para conferir quais promoções estão disponíveis no

Informações sobre viagens locais

Quantidade de hotéis383
Quantidade de avaliações26,385
Maior preçoR$ 6.537
Menor preçoR$ 126
Preço médio (dias úteis)R$ 627
Preço médio (fins de semana)R$ 800